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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
October 13, 2009 6:00 pm
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present:  Hovious, Ferguson, Barkman, Cramer, Kaley, Wilson and Wright
Staff:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning & Land Use and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

I.      Executive Session.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:25 pm

II.     Public Participation – None

III.    Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Ferguson motioned to approve the minutes of September 22, 2009 as amended.  Commissioner Kaley seconded.  Motion approved unanimously as amended.  

IV.     Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

Open Space Purchase Discussion and Resolution as Appropriate – Item Tabled.

Natural Resource Inventory Update – Bill Root has cancelled his attendance for this meeting and requested to meet with Mr. Sibley, tentatively scheduled for October 20th.  Commissioners Cramer and Ferguson will also attend.  

Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

a.      Open Space at Commerce Road Update – The commission discussed the promotion of clean energy alternatives in the Town.  Commissioner Ferguson asked if there have been any updates on the transfer of open space at Commerce Road to the Town from the State.  It was stated that the First Selectman determined that the point person for State properties transferred to the Town is Liz Stocker.  

b.      Ferris Public Access – The commissioners discussed the proposed sign for the property.  Commissioner Ferguson asked if a wooden sign would be better than the brass sign.  The commissioners voted 4 to 2 with one abstention to continue with the plans for the brass sign.  Commissioner Wright asked for the commissioners for their input on the wording for the sign.  

c.      Open Space Signage – Karen Lato has offered to host an open space marking event for volunteers to help mark the open space near Dickenson Park.  The commissioners discussed marketing this event, including placing an article in The Bee.  

d.      Open Space Inventory Progress – The committee will meet on Monday, October 26th at 10:00 am to discuss this.

4.      Strategic Planning Committee Report – The commissioners reviewed the draft Strategic Planning document that the subcommittee (Hovious, Cramer and Wilson) drafted.  The subcommittee will hone the report and resubmit it to the commission.  The commission discussed the LID (Low Impact Development). The commission’s vision is to help with goals and strategies on the POCD.

5.      Acquisition Strategies Discussion

Tax Deferral Ordinance for Conservation Easements – The document went to the Board of Finance in August for their review.  It will be reviewed again by the Conservation Commission and then by the Town attorney, the Board of Selectmen, Finance again, and then to Legislative Council.  There is a land owners workshop on October 24th that will be put on by the Newtown Forest Association.  Commissioner Wilson will send out notices to property owners with 10+ acres.  Commissioner Hovious recommends that the commissioners read the Middletown Farming Report that Sara Middeleer has provided.  Ms. Hazen will print out a copy of this report for the commissioners.
Possible Bee Article (Easements) – Item Tabled

Brochure – Item Tabled

6.      Public Education Sub-Committee Report – Commissioner Barkman discussed an article in The Bee.  The commissioners discussed Al’s Trail.  The commission discussed a workshop organized by Ann Astarita and presented by Alicia Messier on impervious surfaces.  Mr. Sibley noted that there has been a huge discussion on what percentage of impervious surfaces effects water supplies.  The commission also discussed Ann Astarita’s suggestion to get students get involved in science projects, such as a contest like a treasure hunt.  If anyone has ideas, please pass them on to Commissioner Barkman who will then pass them on to Ms. Astarita.  Commissioner Hovious said that he received a call from an 8th grade teacher asking if someone from the commission can come in to talk to students.  

7.      Website - Commissioner Barkman said that changes to the Al’s Trail website are being implemented for review.  

8.      Sherman Road Subdivision Update – The application for the scenic road was asked by the Legislative Council to be withdrawn and resubmitted.  
9       Al's Trail Routing and Maintenance - Commissioner Barkman discussed two areas on the trail that will need to be rerouted.  They are still looking for a possible easement over part of the Mason property.  There have been six Eagle Scout projects in the state park, including a pedestrian bridge.

10.     Hawleyville Transfer Station – Commissioner Kaley will update the letter reflecting how this affects drinking water.

11.     Hunter Ridge Subdivision - Commissioner Cramer noted that this application will be before Planning & Zoning.

12.     Tick-Borne Disease Action Committee – Commissioner Wilson updated the commission on this committee and the studies that have been done relating to deer populations, including the reduction of Barberry.  

V.      New Business

        CIP Priority List

        CACIWC Attendance

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.